Hey, I am
Juan Felipe

A frog looking dude with a purple beanie

A digital designer focused on exceptional products, brands and sometimes silly animations.

These are the latest products and brands I've worked on:

No more bland B2B products
product design, brand, designops
Two redesigns of the website, one complete rebranding, a new font  specifically built for the brand,  lots and lots and lots of  presentations, templates and component libraries, Instagram and LinkedIn ads. This  is the most comprehensive brand and product project I've done.
See the case study
German healthcare approved!
Cara Care
product design
I was part of leading the development and redesign of the Cara Care app. It consists of a diary feature built to discover IBS symptoms paired with an algorithm to suggest actions to improve the users quality of life.
My work contributed in transforming this app into a health device in Germany (a quite strict requirement in German healthcare)
See it live
Urban Farming
product, brand
I built this app for K+S as a barometer for environmentally minded consumers. It allows users to find stores and restaurants that are locally sourced.
See case study
product, brand
An app aimed towards technicians, who need to keep track of air quality and filtering systems across huge buildings.
Under construction
Skyroam Solis
IoT, product, brand
An app for a mobile Wifi router. Users can keep track of their data use and purchase GBs and data subscriptions.
See app
An award winning
campaign on WhatsApp
WWF - The Tree of Hope
brand, marketing
A text-based RPG on WhatsApp, huh? A game about a ninja saving forests on WhatsApp? Yes.
See it live
For Fun
a bit of everything
A bit more of self-initiated projects, illustrations, animations and style explorations in many different techniques.
See more
love for the craft
A list of some few influences, designers, and people I follow and that I tactfully steal ideas from.
See more
Emotional intelligence
at your fingertips
Secret project
product design, brand, design systems
This project is still on stealth mode.
But if you got the password you can see a preview of it!
See the case study
A design system worthy of the Emperor's praise
Galactic Garrison
product design, brand, design systems
When your miniature painting hobby get's too expensive, you build your own set of illustrations on Figma, build a component library, make it flexible and easy to use for newbies and share it with the community.
See it live
VC graphic needs and design consulting
Project A
product design, brand, designops
My main focus and role was on developing systems that will enable the fast implementation of our new branding material and language across all teams.
I worked in the visuals,UI/UX and branding for Project A. Specifically in the motion and website design.
See it live

These are some other projects not entirely related to product but that I really enjoyed working on